How to place an order

If you wish to purchase any of our products, please follow these simple steps...


1. Click on the product that you are interested in.

2. Choose a size or flavor of the product (if available)

3. Click “Add to cart” button.

4. Now you can continue shopping or check your shopping cart’s contents, by clicking on the cart icon in the upper right-hand corner.

5. When you are ready click on Checkout.


1. On the Checkout page, on the right side, you can see a list of the products you have chosen, together with their quantity and price.

2. If you want to change the quantity, Click on the icon on the upper side to return to the store and change quantities.

3. Enter your email in the first field.

4. Enter your shipping address. If your billing address is different select onscreen to use a different address and enter it.

5. Review the names and quantities of the items in your order to ensure they are correct.

6. Select your preferred shipping method.

7. Select your payment Method.

8. Select Pay Now.


You will receive a confirmation email with a summary of your order. If you note any discrepancy please send us an email to


We sincerely hope you enjoy our shopping experience with us.